Board 2015
Board Officers
President - Dr. Valentina Chappell Cell: (316) 213-7802
Vice President - Dr. Glyn Rimmington Cell: (316) 768-9952
Immediate Past President - Dr. Valentina Chappell Cell: (316) 213-7802
Treasurer - Dr. Glyn Rimmington Cell: (316) 768-9952
Secretary - vacant Cell: (316) xxx-xxxx
Members Appointed by Mayor & City Council
1. -vacant- - appointed by Jeff Blubaugh, District IV Cell: (316) ???-????
2. Dr. Valentina Chappell - appointed by Janet Miller, District VI Work: (316) 295-5855 Cell: (316) 213-7802
President 2014-15
3. Jerry Smartt - appointed by Mayor Jeff Longwell Work: (316) 295-5564 Cell: (316) 641-6893
Chair of Mexico Committee
4. -vacant- - appointed by Pete Meitzner, District II Work: (316) xxx-xxxx Cell: (316) xxx-xxxx
5. Dr. Glyn Rimmington - appointed by James Clendenin, District III Work: (316) 978-6140 Cell: (316) 768-9952
Vice President, Treasurer and Web Master 2015
6. John Willoughby - appointed by Bryan Frye, District V Cell: (316) 721-3509
Chair of Fundraising Committee
7. Gabriel Yankey - appointed by Lavonta Williams, District I Work: (316) 440-4166 Cell: (316) 461-2844
Co-Chair of China Committee
Members Elected by Board
1. Cynthia Miller Cell: (316) 207-6722 Co-Chair of China Committee
2. Aimee Leisy Cell: (316) 350-5600 Co-Chair of International Professionals Committee
3. Gerald Marsh Cell: (316) 267-5150
4. Margo Parks Cell: (316) 519-9234
5. Shala Perez Cell: (316) xxx-xxxx
6. vacant Cell: (316) xxx-xxxx
7. vacant Cell: (316) xxx-xxxx
Members Appointed by President
1. Mark Kiefer Cell: (316) 683-8819
2. Douglas Miller Cell: (316) 208-1052 Chair of France Committee
3. Fuchang Liu Cell: (316) 226-2441
Honorary Board Members
Jeff Longwell...........Mayor
Lavonta Williams.....District I
Pete Meitzner .........District II
James Clendenin....District III
Jeff Blubaugh..........District IV
Bryan Frye..............District V
Janet Miller.............District VI
4th Thursday of each month: 5:15 - 7:00PM.
City Council Conference Room,
First Floor,
455 North Main St.,
Wichita, KS 67202. Directions