Cancún, Mexico
Wichita's Sister City relationship with Cancún dates from November 25, 1975, when the Wichita City Commission approved the affiliation. A year later, a replica of Blackbear Bosin's Keeper of the Plains was installed in Cancún. On September 27, 1978, a replica of the Mayan Rain God, Chac, a gift from Cancún, was placed at the Mid-America All-Indian Center. Following this, medical supplies were sent to Cancún through the collective efforts of the Wichita Red Cross, Wesley Medical Center and St. Joseph Hospital. Another early project of the Sister Cities Advisory Board focused on Cancún's water supply.
Through a grant from the federal government, Wichita was able to give technical advice and assistance to Cancún to help upgrade the community water service.Soon after our Wichita-Cancún affiliation, Cancún named its elementary school "Wichita-Cancún Elementary School", and through the efforts of the Sister Cities Advisory Board, school supplies such as crayons, scissors and paper were sent to Cancún. Many individual student exchanges have taken place through the years. The mayors and administrative officials from both cities participate in annual reciprocal visits. An exchange highlight occurred in 1987 when, through a Practical Trainee Exchange Grant, young adults participated in reciprocal exchanges with focus on teaching and business internships.