Board 2020
Board Officers
President - Sherri Lichtenberger Cell: (316) 650-3852
Vice President - Dr. Valentina Chappell Cell: (316) 213-7802
Immediate Past President - Gabriel Yankey Cell: (316) 461-2844
Treasurer - Sarah Bosworth
Secretary - Teresa Molina Cell: (316) 300-7346
Members Appointed by Mayor & City Council
1. Gabriel Yankey Cell: (316) 461-2844 - appointed by former Mayor Jeff Longwell
2. Valentina Chappell Cell: (316) 213-7802 - appointed by Cindy Claycomb, District VI
3. ----TBA----- - appointed by Becky Tuttle, District II
4. ---- TBA --- - appointed by District III
5. Sherri Lichtenberger Cell: (316) 650-3852 - appointed by Bryan Frye, District V
6. Wakeelah Martinez - appointed by Brandon Johnson, District I
7. Aphrodite Campbell Cell: (316) 304-9772 - appointed by Jeff Blubaugh, District IV
Members Elected by Board & Presidential Appointees
1. Tracee Adams # Cell: (316) 305-8327
2. Laura Lombard
4. Teresa Molina # Cell: (316) 300-7346 Chair of Mexico Committee
5. Huachuan Wen # Cell: 724-541-8097 Chair of China Committee
6. TBA
7. TBA
8. TBA
Members Appointed by President
1. Sarah Bosworth
2. TBA
3. TBA
Country Committee Chairs
China Huachuan Wen Cell: (724) 541-8097
France Doug Miller Cell: (316) 208-1052
Mexico Teresa Molina Cell: (316) 300-7346
Honorary Board Members
Brandon Whipple........Mayor
Becky Tuttle .........District II
TBA.........................District III
Jeff Blubaugh..........District IV
Bryan Frye..............District V
Cindy Claycomb......District VI
4th Thursday of each month: 5:00 - 6:30 PM.
Conference Room, 2nd Floor
711 West 2nd St N,
Wichita, KS 67203.