Riverfest 2017 - Wichita, Kansas
This year, for the first time in several years, WASC will enter a float into the Riverfest Parade. The theme this year is River Madness. Our float will feature a wild, rough river and cultural elements from each of the countries of our sister cities: China, France and Mexico.
This would not be possible without generous sponsorship by Cornejo, who have donated the trailer, truck and driver; Love Box Co (Pratt Industries) who donated the cardboard; Star Lumber, who cut our framing timber to size for free; Botanica, who have donated a Gong for the Chinese section of the float and space in their workshop to prepare our float; and Two Olives, who have donated props for our French Sidewalk Café. We are grateful to all the volunteers, who have worked on various elements of the float at our May 25th working bee. Members of one of our sister organizations, the Wichita Chinese Dance Group, will perform as Fan Dancers on the Float.
Music and performance for the float, will comprise a Mariachi band in the Mexico section, Ron Binkley playing French music on his accordion in the French section and the Gong and Wichita Chinese Dancing Group in the Chinese section.
On the morning of June 2nd a group of us assembled the float in time to join the parade at 5pm on Main and 3rd St. We had a lot of help from our visiting cyclists. The float should have raised awareness of Sister Cities in the Wichita Area community, who watched our float make its way around the parade route.

Members of the Tlalnepantla de Baz cycling team help with attaching panels to the sides of the float.

Our banner was added to the rear of the trailer.

Our many sponsors were acknowledged with logos on the sides of the float.

Bob, Frank and Jim stapling frames

Gabriel and Glyn gluing and stapling cardboard to the frames.

China and José cutting out the waves.

Painting panels for the sides of the float.

Claudia and China having a Working Bee Selfie!

Everyone was aboard and waiting for the parade to begin. We had the Mariachi band at the front, then Margo and Gerald as patrons of the French Sidewalk Café, being serenaded by Ron Binkley on Piano Accordion, and then members of the Wichita Chinese Dancing Group with their costumes and fans.
Our sponsors included:
Cornejo & Sons: Trailer, Truck and Driver
Two Olives Gourmet Café: Tables and Chairs
Ron Binkley: French Music Accordion Player
Wichita Chinese Dancing Group: Fan Dancers
Yuajar's Painting: Paint for Side Panels
Star Lumber: Free cutting of frame timber
Pratt Industries: Cardboard for side panels
Neza Tires: Help with making panels
AB&C Bilingual Resources: Free publicity
Planet Venus: Free publicity
Botanica: Providing space to work on the float
Margo and Gerald were seated on furniture provided by the Two Olives Café and Ron was dressed in classic strips and berét.

Members of the Wichita Chinese Dancing Group posed in front of the float.

Members of the Tlalnepantla Cyclists carried flags for Mexico, Wichita and the USA, being applauded and cheered by enthusiastic crowds all the way around the parade route.
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